Pathway: MHC class II antigen presentation

Reactions in pathway: MHC class II antigen presentation :

MHC class II antigen presentation

Antigen presenting cells (APCs) such as B cells, dendritic cells (DCs) and monocytes/macrophages express major histocompatibility complex class II molecules (MHC II) at their surface and present exogenous antigenic peptides to CD4+ T helper cells. CD4+ T cells play a central role in immune protection. On their activation they stimulate differentiation of B cells into antibody-producing B-cell blasts and initiate adaptive immune responses. MHC class II molecules are transmembrane glycoprotein heterodimers of alpha and beta subunits. Newly synthesized MHC II molecules present in the endoplasmic reticulum bind to a chaperone protein called invariant (Ii) chain. The binding of Ii prevents the premature binding of self antigens to the nascent MHC molecules in the ER and also guides MHC molecules to endocytic compartments. In the acidic endosomal environment, Ii is degraded in a stepwise manner, ultimately to free the class II peptide-binding groove for loading of antigenic peptides. Exogenous antigens are internalized by the APC by receptor mediated endocytosis, phagocytosis or pinocytosis into endocytic compartments of MHC class II positive cells, where engulfed antigens are degraded in a low pH environment by multiple acidic proteases, generating MHC class II epitopes. Antigenic peptides are then loaded into the class II ligand-binding groove. The resulting class II peptide complexes then move to the cell surface, where they are scanned by CD4+ T cells for specific recognition (Berger & Roche 2009, Zhou & Blum 2004, Watts 2004, Landsverk et al. 2009).

Adaptive Immune System

Adaptive immunity refers to antigen-specific immune response efficiently involved in clearing the pathogens. The adaptive immune system is comprised of B and T lymphocytes that express receptors with remarkable diversity tailored to recognize aspects of particular pathogens or antigens. During infection, dendritic cells (DC) which act as sentinels in the peripheral tissues recognize and pick up the pathogen in the form of antigenic determinants and then process these antigens and present them to T cells. These T cells of appropriate specificity respond to the antigen, and either kill the pathogen directly or secrete cytokines that will stimulate B lymphocyte response. B cells provide humoral immunity by secreting antibodies specific for the pathogen or antigen.

Immune System

Humans are exposed to millions of potential pathogens daily, through contact, ingestion, and inhalation. Our ability to avoid infection depends on the adaptive immune system and during the first critical hours and days of exposure to a new pathogen, our innate immune system.