Reaction: The FA anion diffuses away laterally from UCP

- in pathway: The fatty acid cycling model
At the beginning of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'FA anion:UCP dimer "head-out" complex' is present. At the end of this reaction, 1 molecule of 'UCP dimer', and 1 molecule of 'Fatty Acid anion "head-out"' are present.

This reaction takes place in the 'mitochondrial inner membrane' (Garlid et al. 1996).
Reaction - small molecule participants:
Fatty Acid anion "head-out" [mitochondrial inner membrane] reaction link: R-HSA-166387


Reaction input - small molecules:
Reaction output - small molecules:
fatty acid anion
ChEBI:28868 link: R-HSA-166387