Reaction: ROS oxidize thioredoxin and activate MAP3K5
- in pathway: Oxidative Stress Induced Senescence
When in reduced form, TXN (thioredoxin) binds the amino terminus of MAP3K5 (ASK1) and inhibits its kinase activity. Once reactive oxygen species (ROS) oxidize TXN, TXN dissociates from MAP3K5, enabling MAP3K5 to phosphorylate downstream targets (Saitoh et al. 1998). Increased expression and activity of MINK1 (MINK) (and possibly other Ste20 family kinases TNIK and MAP4K), which is induced by ROS generated as a consequence of oncogenic RAS signaling, may contribute to MAP3K5 activation (Nicke et al. 2005).
Reaction - small molecule participants:
ROS [cytosol] reaction link: R-HSA-3225851
Reaction input - small molecules:
reactive oxygen species
Reaction output - small molecules: link: R-HSA-3225851