Reaction: FLVCR1-1 transports heme from cytosol to extracellular region
- in pathway: Iron uptake and transport
Heme is utilised as a prosthetic group in the production of hemoproteins inside cells. However, when intracellular heme accumulation occurs, heme is able to exert its pro-oxidant and cytotoxic action. The amount of free heme must be tightly controlled to maintain cellular homeostasis and avoid pathological conditions (Chiabrando et al. 2014). The heme transporter FLVCR is expressed in intestine and liver tissue, but also in developing erythroid cells where it is required to protect them from heme toxicity (Quigley et al, 2004; Rey et al, 2008). Two different isoforms have been described. FLVCR1-1 (FLVCR1a) resides in the plasma membrane and is responsible for heme detoxification in several cell types, such as erythroid progenitors, endothelial cells, hepatocytes, lymphocytes and intestinal cells.
Reaction - small molecule participants:
heme [extracellular region]
heme [cytosol]
heme [extracellular region]
heme [cytosol] reaction link: R-HSA-917892
Reaction input - small molecules:
ferroheme b
ferroheme b
Reaction output - small molecules:
ferroheme b
ferroheme b link: R-HSA-917892