Pathway: Signaling by ROBO receptors
Signaling by ROBO receptors
SLIT protein binding modulates ROBO interactions with the cytosolic adaptors. The cytoplasmic domain of ROBO1 and ROBO2 determines the repulsive responses of these receptors. Based on the studies from both invertebrate and vertebrate organisms it has been inferred that ROBO induces growth cone repulsion by controlling cytoskeletal dynamics via either Abelson kinase (ABL) and Enabled (Ena), or RAC1 activity (reviewed by Hohenster 2008, Ypsilanti and Chedotal 2014, Blockus and Chedotal 2016). While there is some redundancy in the function of ROBO receptors, ROBO1 is implicated as the predominant receptor for axon guidance in ventral tracts, and ROBO2 is the predominant receptor for axon guidance in dorsal tracts. ROBO2 also repels neuron cell bodies from the floor plate (Kim et al. 2011).
In addition to regulating axon guidance, ROBO1 and ROBO2 receptors are also implicated in regulation of proliferation and transition of primary to intermediate neuronal progenitors through a poorly characterized cross-talk with NOTCH-mediated activation of HES1 transcription (Borrell et al. 2012).
Thalamocortical axon extension is regulated by neuronal activity-dependent transcriptional regulation of ROBO1 transcription. Lower neuronal activity correlates with increased ROBO1 transcription, possibly mediated by the NFKB complex (Mire et al. 2012).
It is suggested that the homeodomain transcription factor NKX2.9 stimulates transcription of ROBO2, which is involved in regulation of motor axon exit from the vertebrate spinal code (Bravo-Ambrosio et al. 2012).
Of the four ROBO proteins, ROBO4 is not involved in neuronal system development but is, instead, involved in angiogenesis. The interaction of ROBO4 with SLIT3 is involved in proliferation, motility and chemotaxis of endothelial cells, and accelerates formation of blood vessels (Zhang et al. 2009).