Pathway: L1CAM interactions

Reactions in pathway: L1CAM interactions :

L1CAM interactions

The L1 family of cell adhesion molecules (L1CAMs) are a subfamily of the immunoglobulin superfamily of transmembrane receptors, comprised of four structurally related proteins: L1, Close Homolog of L1 (CHL1), NrCAM, and Neurofascin. These CAMs contain six Ig like domains, five or six fibronectin like repeats, a transmembrane region and a cytoplasmic domain. The L1CAM family has been implicated in processes integral to nervous system development, including neurite outgrowth, neurite fasciculation and inter neuronal adhesion.
L1CAM members are predominately expressed by neuronal, as well as some nonneuronal cells, during development. Except CHL1 all the other members of L1 family contain an alternatively spliced 12-nclueotide exon, encoding the amino acid residues RSLE in the neuronal splice forms but missing in the non-neuronal cells. The extracellular regions of L1CAM members are divergent and differ in their abilities to interact with extracellular, heterophilic ligands. The L1 ligands include other Ig-domain CAMs (such as NCAM, TAG-1/axonin and F11), proteoglycans type molecules (neurocan), beta1 integrins, and extra cellular matrix protein laminin, Neuropilin-1, FGF and EGF receptors. Some of these L1-interacting proteins also bind to other L1CAM members. For example TAG-1/axonin interact with L1 and NrCAM; L1, neurofascin and CHL1 binds to contactin family members. The cytoplasmic domains of L1CAM members are most highly conserved. Nevertheless, they have different cytoplasmic binding partners, and even those with similar binding partners may be involved in different signaling complexes and mechanisms. The most conserved feature of L1CAMs is their ability to interact with the actin cytoskeletal adapter protein ankyrin. The cytoplasmic ankyrin-binding domain, exhibits the highest degree of amino acid conservation throughout the L1 family.

Nervous system development

Neurogenesis is the process by which neural stem cells give rise to neurons, and occurs both during embryonic and perinatal development as well as in specific brain lineages during adult life (reviewed in Gotz and Huttner, 2005; Yao et al, 2016; Kriegstein and Alvarez-Buylla, 2009).

Developmental Biology

As early steps towards capturing the array of processes by which a fertilized egg gives rise to the diverse tissues of the body, examples of several processes have been annotated. Aspects of processes involved in most developmental processes, transcriptional regulation of pluripotent stem cells, gastrulation, and activation of HOX genes during differentiation are annotated. More specialized processes include nervous system development , aspects of the roles of cell adhesion molecules in axonal guidance and myogenesis, transcriptional regulation in pancreatic beta cell, cardiogenesis, transcriptional regulation of granulopoeisis, transcriptional regulation of testis differentiation, transcriptional regulation of white adipocyte differentiation, and molecular events of "nodal" signaling, LGI-ADAM interactions, and keratinization.