Pathway: Transferrin endocytosis and recycling
Reactions in pathway: Transferrin endocytosis and recycling :
Transferrin endocytosis and recycling
Endocytosis of iron loaded transferrin/receptor complex leads, after acidification of the endosome, to the separation of iron and its diffusion out of the vesicle. The endosome is not fused with a lysosome but recycles its content back to the cell surface where soon transferrin dissociates from its receptor (Dautry-Varsat, 1986).
The transport of iron between cells is mediated by transferrin. However, iron can also enter and leave cells not only by itself, but also in the form of heme and siderophores. When entering the cell via the main path (by transferrin endocytosis), its goal is not the (still elusive) chelated iron pool in the cytosol nor the lysosomes but the mitochondria, where heme is synthesized and iron-sulfur clusters are assembled (Kurz et al,2008, Hower et al 2009, Richardson et al 2010).
By definition cells have a critical separation between inner (cytoplasmic) and outer (extracellular) compartments. This separation provides for protection, gradient assembly, and environmental control but at the same time isolates the interior compartments of the cell from energy resources, oxygen, and raw materials. Cells have evolved a myriad of mechanisms to regulate, and enable transportation of small molecules ascross plasma membranes and between cellular organelle compartments within cells.